Trail-work Pin Application Form
National Park Service and Ten Mile River Scout Museum to conduct online nature talks (Kaspar, Susanna M)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps, Narrowsburg, N.Y.
Greater New York Councils, Scouting America
Find out about the GNYC summer camps.
The 24 in. x 27 in. T.M.R. Trails Map separated into three letter-sized sections (in one PDF). Unlike the full-sized version, this can be printed on a typical color printer, then taped together to form a complete T.M.R. map.
This is the complete shade-relief version of the 24 in. x 27 in. T.M.R. Trails Map.
Ten Mile River Historical Trails Map Book - This 24-page book includes a 14-page TMR Trail Map (in sections) with historic sites identified and 8-pages of historic site history.
Ten Mile River Trails Map Book - This 8-page 11 in. x 17 in. book includes a 6-page TMR Trail Map (in sections) suitable for browsing.
Ten Mile River Trails Map Book - This 16-page 8 1/2 in. x 11 in. book includes a 14-page TMR Trail Map (in sections).
Ten Mile River Trails Map Book - This 8-page 11 in. x 17 in. book includes a 6-page TMR Trail Map (in sections) suitable for printing.
Guide to Hiking at TMR - 25 pages filled with information on planning your day hike or backpacking trek at TMR. Rentable facilities, what to bring, sample hikes, etc.
These are recommended 10-mile, 14-mile and 30-mile hike routes that will satisfy the hiking requirement for the Ten Mile River Historical Trails award. Both documents are used together.
You can download free of charge the georeferenced T.M.R. Trail Map for your compatible cellphone or tablet. This requires downloading the free Avenza Maps (formery PDF Maps) app to your handheld device. This is especially useful when hiking the T.M.R. Trail. The app will show your location on the T.M.R. Trail and the Trail Map with great accuracy.
For more information, visit the Museum's Avenza Map store:
B.S.A. Historical Trails Award application form.
B.S.A. 50-Miler Award application form.
The History of the Upper Delaware Region and the Ten Mile River Scout Camps, 36 pgs. Includes the history of all historic sites in the Ten Mile River Historial Trails Map Book.
B.S.A. Trek Safely - Guide
Ten essential things to have on every hike.
B.S.A. Trek Safely - Training Outline