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National Park Service and Ten Mile River Scout Museum to conduct online nature talks (Kaspar, Susanna M)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps, Narrowsburg, N.Y.
Greater New York Councils, Scouting America
Find out about the GNYC summer camps.
A Guide to Memorabilia of the Ten Mile River Scout Camps 2nd ed. - 2021
It has been twenty years since the first edition of the TMR Memorabilia Guide was published.
Although a noble effort at the time we have learned how many more items had been issued from 1913-2001 that we did not know about or did not list correctly. In addition, the number of items from 2001-2021 is as plentiful as those that came before it. The new 100% color guide contains 512 pages and probably 3,000 images or more including chapters on Classic Felts and Twills of the 20’s and 30’s, almost 200 staff neckerchiefs, basic/border and segment patches, Modern Era patches and neckerchiefs, Slide Farm neckerchief slides, TMR Scout Museum issued sets, and 200 pages of Post Cards telling the history of this great camp.
The entire book is offered as a download from the cloud, as a CD-R or as a Flash Drive (see below). These can be purchased in our TMR Scout Museum On-line store, in-person at the TMR Scout Museum and by mailing in the flyer (see below).

Bound color copies are available in three volumes:
Vol. 1 - Mostly early Kanohwahke Camps and T.M.R. memorabilia (pre-1952).
Vol. 2 - Mostly modern T.M.R. memorabilia (1952 - present).
Vol. 3 - Post cards from the Kanohwahke Camps, T.M.R., Pre-T.M.R., Alpine, Pouch, others
You can purchase items and arrange to pick-up (bring email receipt). You can mail in the flyer (see below).
You can purchase the bound books at the Alpine Scout Camp and Pouch Scout Camp trading posts.
Click on the PDF icon to see a sampler of the three volumes. -------------------------------------------------------->
Questions on the content of the book should be sent to Gene Berman (
Questions on ordering the book should be sent to David Malatzky (
Purchasing Options from the Website Store:
Digital Options:
Digital Download - A PDF file download of the 512 pg. A Guide to Memorabilia of the Ten Mile River Scout Camps 2nd. ed. for $20 ea:
Provide your name, e-mail address and phone number.
Enter payment information and submit the purchase.
You will receive an e-mail with a link to the PDF file.
Click on the link within 30 days to download the PDF file..
CD-R - A CD-R with a PDF file of the 512 pg. A Guide to Memorabilia of the Ten Mile River Scout Camps 2nd. ed. for $35 ea., FREE SHIPPING. Select mail to me OR I will Pick Up.
Flash Drive - An 8 gb flash drive with a PDF file of the 512 pg. A Guide to Memorabilia of the Ten Mile River Scout Camps 2nd. ed. for $35 ea., FREE SHIPPING. Select mail to me OR I will Pick Up.
Physical Books
Volume 1 - The 170 pg. A Guide to Memorabilia of the Ten Mile River Scout Camps 2nd. ed., Volume 1 for $30 ea. plus shipping (Media Mail or USPS Priority Mail). Select mail to me OR I will Pick Up.
Volume 2 - The 168 pg. A Guide to Memorabilia of the Ten Mile River Scout Camps 2nd. ed., Volume 2 for $30 ea. plus shipping (Media Mail or USPS Priority Mail). Select mail to me OR I will Pick Up.
Volume 3 - The 224 pg. A Guide to Memorabilia of the Ten Mile River Scout Camps 2nd. ed., Volume 3 for $30 ea. plus shipping (Media Mail or USPS Priority Mail). Select mail to me OR I will Pick Up.
Special Deal! - Volumes 1, 2 and 3 for only $70 per set of 3 books, plus shipping (Media Mail or USPS Priority Mail). Select mail to me OR I will Pick Up.
-----------> Go to website store.
Purchasing items by printing the flyer and mailing it in.
You can print this PDF, add payment and mail. ------------------------------------------>
Sampler - Volumes 1-3
TMR Memorabilia Guide Flyer