Trail-work Pin Application Form
National Park Service and Ten Mile River Scout Museum to conduct online nature talks (Kaspar, Susanna M)
Ten Mile River Scout Camps, Narrowsburg, N.Y.
Greater New York Councils, Scouting America
Find out about the GNYC summer camps.
Silver Arrowhead - Harvey A.Gordon Article

The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) was created in 1940 to honor those who rendered service to the Order beyond the lodge level. The award is presented to Arrowmen, youth and adult, who have rendered distinguished and outstanding service to the Order on a sectional, regional, or national basis.
The Silver Arrowhead is the newsletter for recipients of the Order of the Arrow's Distinguished Service Award. It largely contains news about current DSA recipients, new awardees, and historical profiles of significant recipients.
Harvey A. Gordon was responsible for designing and constructing the five original TMR borough camps (1927-1930). He was also responsible for operating the Kanohwahke Scout Camps, which preceded TMR (1919-1928). After TMR, Gordon was responsible for designing and constructing the National Scout Jamboree sites in Washington DC. (1935 & 1937).